Are you ready for tomorrow?



About Unigro
Unigro is an (online) mail-order company with an annual turnover of €40 million. Their product range includes more than 85.000 items and varies from electronics to furniture and home appliances. Their unique selling proposition is that customers can order by instalments, meaning they pay in small parts spread over a longer time period.
For over 16 years, Python Predictions has been creating credit score models that indicate whether customers are creditworthy or not. While these models were strategically important for Unigro, they did not generate wide-spread interest in data-related projects within Unigro. This observation triggered their management to engage in building a comprehensive data strategy.


A six-step TIDO roadmap

To tackle Unigro’s challenges, Tobania implemented a six-step TIDO (The Intelligent Data-Driven Organisation) roadmap:

  1. Data strategy: together with Unigro, Tobania settled on a data strategy and mission closely aligned with Unigro’s strategic goals.
  2. Responsibility sharing: Tobania determined how they could organise existing data roles and responsibilities within Unigro for maximum impact.
  3. Consensus: communication and change management were key to ensure the entire organisation supported the solution.
  4. Stakeholder management: Tobania initiated and supported structural progress meetings between the virtual team and different key stakeholders within the organisation
  5. Rollout: Tobania supported Unigro in rolling out tangible data initiatives and projects.
  6. Expertise: where needed, Tobania introduced specific expertise to challenge and support internal data-driven initiatives.


Follow-up with guidance and training

After initiating the project, Tobania handed over the baton to Unigro’s Roadmap Owner. To ensure that Unigro could proceed easily at all times, Tobania remained at their disposal for advice. For instance, Tobania’s experts participated in Data Steering Committee meetings to further guide and monitor the transition towards becoming an Intelligent Data-driven Organisation. They also screened Unigro’s data warehouse migration plan and Unigro’s Tableau server environment. They helped select the right technical profiles to support Unigro’s projects, and provided in-house trainings for the staff involved. Throughout the entire project, Tobania’s data consultants emphasised the importance of considering data as an asset.



How is your data journey progressing?

Would you like to connect key stakeholders in your organisation with data talent that can shape your TIDO (The Intelligent Data-Driven Organisation) roadmap? Or do you have specific data questions and challenges? Then contact us to schedule an introductory meeting. Our data team is always happy to assist.

Hendrik De Winter

Hendrik De Winter
