Week of the PM - Jolien Gabriëls

On 14 June it is Project Manager (PM) Day. But why not make it Project Manager's Week? Our Tobians have so many experiences to bring to the table and stories to tell that we would love to share them with you. Therefore, every day this week, we will release a new and inspiring PM journey. Your reading material for today: Jolien Gabriëls.

Discover our other stories of "Week of the PM" at our LinkedIn page.


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Can you briefly introduce yourself, Jolien? 

I am Jolien and since more than five years you can call me a Tobian. Currently, I am a Project Manager at VDAB, but in the past I have already gained some experience as a BA, FA, Test Analyst and Scrum Master at other clients.

foto Jolien


Jolien Gabriëls

Project Manager



“By adopting a helicopter view, you are able to quickly spot the common thread of a particular project.”

What makes working as a Project Manager (PM) so unique?

As a Project Manager, you are involved in all project phases. By adopting a helicopter view, you are able to quickly spot the common thread of a particular project. Moreover, challenges that arise during the journey keep the work exciting.


How would your colleagues describe you?

During a short feedback session with my colleagues, words like structured, diplomatic, transparent and punctual appeared. They told me that I combine those with a team-player mentality and that I am not averse to the occasional joke to keep the team spirit high.


What is your go-to productivity trick?

As a PM, you need to keep an overview of everything that is going on and encourage your team members to meet the deadline. Short-term to-do lists are as vital to me as long-term planning. Unfortunately, I don't have an Einstein brain, so reminders in my calendar keep me on track every time.


How can you stand out as a PM?

You should try to empathise with the roles and challenges of your project members and keep the team spirit upbeat. Avoiding panic management is the key to project success.


If you could go back in time, what would you say to yourself at the beginning of your career?

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”, dixit a famous philosopher. Do not try to run when you can only walk. Although chances are that you will sometimes end up with jobs that are not quite what you would consider dream jobs, you can learn from every single experience.

“It is wonderful to observe when a team effort results in a well-performing product and a satisfied customer.”

What gives you a professional high?

Seeing the happy faces of end users when they receive a demo that fully meets their expectations. It is wonderful to observe when a team effort results in a well-performing product and a satisfied customer.


Do you have any mentors in your professional life?

It is difficult to name one. I consider the people I work with in everyday life as my mentors. I learn from them on a daily basis. Not only the hard skills, but the soft skills as well.


Do you aspire to be a mentor for others?

I hope I can be the same kind of mentor to my colleagues as they are for me.


Why should fellow Project Managers join you at Tobania?

At Tobania, you can really be yourself and map out your career path according to your interests. I think Tobania has the advantages of a big corporate organisation (e.g. communities, knowledge sharing and large client database), but it retains the atmosphere of a somewhat smaller business. The employee is at the heart of our business unit.

Jolien Gabriëls

Jolien Gabriëls
