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Rule engine enables the use of everyday language at Infrabel

Railway infrastructure manager Infrabel wanted to develop a business rule engine for the billingproject. This is the financial system that handlesthe invoices of every company that uses the infrastructure of Infrabel. There are different rules for the variety of companies, timings, and types of vehicles. These rules are subject to constant change and a system was needed to convert those rules into Java. It makes billing run automatically.

The billing project main purpose is to modify, delete and edit the rules in the system in order to calculate the fee. An Operational Decision Management (ODM) is used to discover, analyse and automate rules-based business decisions. A Business Rules Management System (BRMS) is used to define, execute, monitor and maintain the variety and complexity of decision logic.

The result of these two systems is an increased control for both the development and the business department. It allows the use of everyday language to describe the rules of the billing system and helps the developers to transfer this to the second language used in the system: Java.

Geert Vanden Boer

Geert Vanden Boer
