Are you ready for tomorrow?



First of all, congratulations on the new partnership with Living Tomorrow. Why this choice, Lode?

As a Business, Data & Technology Consultancy Partner towards our customers, we have seen a tremendous progression of new technologies, processes and trends in recent years. To remain relevant, you have to be at the forefront of this evolution. That is why we have chosen to be even more forward-looking by co-determining innovation.


You mean you will not only monitor, but also create the innovation itself?

That is absolutely right. Within our partnership with Living Tomorrow, there are two elements. On the one hand, we will be supporting the experience centre consisting of technologies that will be introduced to the wider market in the coming years. To this end, we will collaborate on virtual experience moments in which we can show our applications.


“We have chosen to be even more forward-looking by co-determining innovation.”



On the other hand, at Living Tomorrow, numerous companies from different industries are working together to examine and help determine the innovation of tomorrow. By exchanging knowledge, insights and challenges, we arrive at new solutions that we can support. This way, we are at the forefront of innovation. By the way, did you know that Tobania has already realised quite a few projects of a highly innovative character?


Can you provide examples of some of these innovative projects?

To name a few, I'll start with eBox, for example. This is the digital citizen's inbox that every citizen disposes of. This government tool will only become more relevant in the future. It will be used by several government agencies as well as by the police departments. Soon, it will even work in two directions: for citizens (receiving documents) as well as for companies (sending documents).

When we started this project a few years ago, we knew that this solution needed to be very sustainable. To meet the scalability and performance requirements, Tobania therefore opted for cutting-edge technology. At that time incredibly new, nowadays the norm. If we hadn't included that innovation then, this project would not have been so successful today.

A second example is seen at doctor's visits. Where you used to receive paper certificates for enhanced assistance, reimbursement is now fully automatic and digital. This project has now become standard practice for all health insurance funds and provides a great deal of comfort for the patient. After all, he or she can count on the reimbursement being handled accurately and quickly. Tobania designed and built this entire automation system. We should be proud of that, shouldn't we?

By exchanging knowledge, insights and challenges, we arrive at new solutions that we can support.”

For sure. Are there any examples within the private market?

Of course. Within this market, we notice the fastest progress when data is involved. For example, we developed an algorithm for a financial institution that handles the administrative processing of mortgage applications. We reduced the turnaround time from three weeks to three hours. Just imagine the return this institution has achieved thanks to this. In addition, all employees involved are now more focused on the customer, instead of on the administrative side. Everybody happy! These innovations will now be rolled out more widely throughout the administration.



These are great examples. Now coming back to your partnership with Living Tomorrow. How did this actually originate?

We have been working together with the team of Living Tomorrow and Tomorrow Lab for quite some time now. They helped us develop our strategy two years ago, for example, which proved to be very profitable. We were shown the plans for the new complex they are currently building. And the shift from living respectively to rather the present society, where both the private and the business are at the centre, has persuaded us to go along as a partner in this.

The most important domains within Living Tomorrow are Smart Living, Smart Health, Smart Mobility and Smart City. We at Tobania are happy to add Smart Business to these. Smart Business is a suite of solutions and services to make your business future-ready.

This suite therefore includes a sophisticated range of solutions to get through your digital transformation properly, to set up the workplace of the future and to manage your governance of the company effectively (including its sustainability aspect). In our view, data plays an important role in this as a common asset throughout the company and its operations.

We also see a lot of insights coming from the use of data, which will lead to innovation. Take, for example, the digital twin where innovation can be tested even before the prototype, let alone the product, is built.


Once LTs innovation centre is open for visitors, you will also be able to check out our cases and insights on the future during a discovery tour.”

Will we be able to recognise Tobania when we visit the complex?

Yes, you will. We are co-initiators, so you will definitely spot us when you visit the complex. Once the innovation centre is open for visitors (probably Q2 2023), you'll also be able to check out our cases and insights on the future during a discovery tour.


All right, excellent. We wish you lots of success with this partnership!

Thank you very much.




Lode Peeters

Lode Peeters
