Tobania therefore offers the solution Sustainability Data Modelling as part of its SMART.Business suite, which focuses on process analysis, data modelling and human interactions. A sub-pillar in which notably our Business Analyst and Sustainability Expert Vladimir Lyutyy is fully engaged. In the first edition of our mini-series "Green ICT on a CxO Degree", we are delighted to fully introduce him to you.
Vladimir's bio
- Name: Vladimir Lyuty.
- Role: Business Consultant and Analyst at SMART.Business (solution suite within Tobania) and Sustainability Expert.
- Studies: Bachelor in Finance and Assurance at HOGENT (including Erasmus at the Technical University of Dublin), Master in Business Management at VUB (Specialisation: Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Technologies).
- Mission at Tobania: “My team and I are responsible for helping our customers make their businesses more competitive, performing and sustainable. So, as far as the latter is concerned, I spend some of my time working on sustainability-related topics as part of the Sustainability Data Modelling solution within our SMART.Business suite.”
What kind of experience in sustainability do you have, Vladimir?
During my studies, I spent almost three years on projects and research in the field of sustainability. The scope of those projects varied widely: from self-sustaining greenhouses to sustainable banking practices.
As someone who was always fascinated by innovative technology and clean energy sources, I was constantly trying to understand how a particular business area could be improved using sustainability practices.
However, my main research on sustainable investment practices concerned Socially Responsible Investing or the SRI market. I conducted research based on the qualitative analysis of management assumptions about the objectives and impacts of SRI tools in the European market.
Who or what inspires you to act on sustainability?
Long ago, a few months before I was born, there was an accident at the chemical plant next to our town. Due to a defective damper, some of the toxic gases escaped and were carried to the city by the wind. That year, many people experienced various health problems and many newborn children also seemed to be affected. The chemical company acknowledged the accident but denied that it could have caused any damage.
Much later, I discovered that such accidents were no exception: the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico, and the list goes on and on. At that point, it became clear to me that some things needed to be changed.
I wanted to contribute to a new, innovative business environment in which no one would experience what the people of the aforementioned events experienced. In my opinion, sustainable business transformation is the solution.
Can you explain to us what you personally consider to be (corporate) sustainability?
To understand corporate sustainability as a concept, I believe it is important to comprehend that every company operates within a certain context. That context may vary from one business to another, but the key elements remain the same: society, the environment and governance (those elements are often referred to as the ESG sphere of operation). Put simply, a company is truly sustainable when, in addition to profit maximisation, it also considers these three elements.
To elaborate on the previous statement: CSR is in place when a company carries out its day-to-day and strategic activities while considering the impact of those activities on the environment, society and governance. The overall effect doesn't always have to be negative by the way. On the contrary, some companies have deployed a significant number of resources to make a positive difference to their environment.
This concept has also grown significantly in recent decades. Initially, it tended to be sufficient only to minimise negative impacts of business activities. But in today's world, global leaders like Microsoft and Google aim to take it even further: they strive to offset the negative impacts of their past activities.
How do you see sustainability evolving in a business context? What do you think will be the key challenges ahead?
The main challenge for sustainability companies is to recognise that sustainability is not only one of the most difficult challenges, but also one of the biggest opportunities for companies to excel and become market leaders. Let's break down this statement into a few points.
First, I think the concept of sustainability is still evolving. And I don't just mean sustainability within business. World leaders and regulators are currently breaking their heads over the definitions and models that will allow us to fully understand the impact we, as a society, have on our environment.
This results in new policies and laws that companies will have to comply with. As the global need for change becomes clearer, spurred by "once-in-a-lifetime" events (of which I have personally experienced at least five so far), those laws and policies will become more stringent. Reporting will be required to be more sophisticated, the action plan for improvement will be required to be more time-bound, and the data will be required to be more transparent.
It may sound scary, but these changes can actually help companies better understand what they are doing right and, more importantly, what they are doing wrong. More detailed data means more insight into the organisation's internal processes, which are often likened to a lifeblood of businesses.
In addition, ongoing events such as global warming, the war in Ukraine and the coming energy crisis are already affecting every household and business worldwide. Some resources are becoming scarcer, certain practices are banned or significantly restricted by lawmakers, and some logistics routes simply cannot keep up with current demand.
This implies that companies will have to be more efficient, effective and creative in order to offer quality products at a reasonable price. To do so, they need to create a clear overview of their current situation so that they can determine where they want to stand in the future. This will enable them to harness their internal creativity and talent, which are often overlooked by so many.
In the age of digital platforms, becoming an advocate of sustainable practices means recognising the values and needs of people outside and inside the organisation.
Finally, the social dimension is becoming more significant.
Modern consumers and workers require transparency and sustainable practices in business. Consider for example the transparency of capital expenditure, female leadership and the development of inclusive business strategies.
In the age of digital platforms, becoming an advocate of sustainable practices means recognising the values and needs of people outside and inside the organisation.
Companies that incorporate these factors into their strategies are more likely to succeed and become market leaders.
Where do you stand in your sustainability journey?
Implementing sustainable business practices doesn't happen overnight. It requires a keen understanding of European regulations (consider the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - CSRD) and the right approach to implement your green strategy and reporting.
With our brand-new offering Sustainability Data Modelling, we leverage our far-reaching data expertise to create the necessary added value you need. More specifically: we provide you with a dedicated team of data experts who can translate their far-reaching sustainability know-how into a concrete roadmap to get you started.
Browse through our Sustainability Data Modelling brochure, get a first impression of our offering and approach, and feel free to contact us to discuss all your concrete questions. We already can't wait to guide you as a wingman towards a greener world:
Vladimir Lyutyy
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